Are the renewal fees for unitary patents affordable?

Sind die Jahresgebühren für Einheitspatente leistbar?
Considering the number of states to which the unitary patent protection extends, especially the renewal fees for the first 10 years seem moderate and reasonable. The rules relating to fees for Unitary Patent Protection published in the Official Journal April 2022 of the European Patent Office indicate the renewal fees for the European patent with unitary effect, each calculated from the filing date of the corresponding European patent application, as follows:
- for the 2nd year 35,00 EUR
- for the 3rd year 105,00 EUR
- for the 4th year 145,00 EUR
- for the 5th year 315,00 EUR
- for the 6th year 475,00 EUR
- for the 7th year 630,00 EUR
- for the 8th year 815,00 EUR
- for the 9th year 990,00 EUR
- for the 10th year 1 175,00 EUR
- for the 11th year 1 460,00 EUR
- for the 12th year 1 775,00 EUR
- for the 13th year 2 105,00 EUR
- for the 14th year 2 455,00 EUR
- for the 15th year 2 830,00 EUR
- for the 16th year 3 240,00 EUR
- for the 17th year 3 640,00 EUR
- for the 18th year 4 055,00 EUR
- for the 19th year 4 455,00 EUR
- for the 20th year 4 855,00 EUR
By the way, the surcharge for a late payment is 50% of the late paid annual fee.

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